Refund Policy

We will determine how our refund policy will apply on a case-by-case basis.

Cancellation of Games: In the event that we made an error in the services provided by us, we may choose to refund the entry fee, after proper investigation by Star War Firm.

Canceled registrations: It is not our policy to cancel registrations once entered. In exceptional cases, however, where there is an error on our end of the payment gateway, we may cancel your participation on request and refund any payments made by you within a reasonable amount of time.

Erroneous cash debits: In cases of erroneous cash debited from any user account, you may request for a refund within two weeks, and Star War Firm will process the refund after our investigation has revealed that it is a genuine case of erroneous debit.

Whenever we refund any payments to any user, we will do so through the original credit card or payment gateway used to make the payment.


Star War Firm has the authority and rights to check or validate the personal information that users put forward from time to time. We may validate identities and personal information through a WhatsApp message, a phone call, or via email.

We will make numerous attempts to reach you in the event that we do not reach you on the first try. If we are, however, unable to validate your information after many attempts, we may suspend your account and refund the balance in your account through the original credit card or payment gateway used to make the payment.


While we may run promotions, contests, and offers from time to time, you accept that any of these activities may be canceled or discontinued by us without any prior notice at any moment. Star War Firm disclaims any liability, except the refund of the entry fee wherever applicable.

Responsible Gaming

  • We encourage our players to play responsibly, as we are ourselves are a responsible gaming company. You understand that we may monitor the playing activities of users so that we can alert them if we notice any compulsive behavior in them.
  • In light of our policy on responsible gaming;
  • In order to discourage a gaming obsession, we have implemented certain features on the website that limits the level of online cash deposits and withdrawal amount.
  • Persons younger than 16 years may not create an account or use our services and are prohibited from playing our cash games.
  • We engage in a 24-hour monitor of activities with an anti-fraud algorithm so that we can detect fraudulent behavior.
  • We implement anti-collusion measures during every game on our service.
  • We always store player information using high-level encryption for safety.

Inactive Accounts

We are fully compliant with extant law as per deposit regulations. You must, therefore, withdraw any idle balance in your account within one year of your winnings, if any. If not, all balances will be forfeited.


You understand and accept that your removal and reinstallation of our game in a new device may lead to the loss of your in-game purchases, which may include any virtual Items previously held by you.


You may not use Android Emulators to access any of our games, as all devices will be verified at multiple levels during availing of the offers. If we discover you to use emulators or any other kind of automated system, we will immediately and permanently block your account and device from accessing our games at a future date.


You have the option of closing your account with us at any time by emailing us at Please note that we may, from our end, close your account with us if it is inactive for 180 days.


You are liable for providing the necessary equipment to connect to our services and will be solely responsible for all fees so involved, including without limitation payment for internet connection and applicable mobile fees.


We do all we can to ensure that the Zumowin space is decent, ethical, and welcoming of all eligible users. This is why you must follow our rules whenever you use our services:

  • You may not register for our services as a corporation or as any other kind of business entity. Only individuals are eligible to become users of our services.
  • You may not, in the course of your use of this service, infringe anyone else’s rights, including without limitation infringing on someone else’s copyright, trademarks, patents, or other intellectual property rights.
  • You may not make available, share, distribute, or transmit any information, message, or file that is sexually explicit, vulgar, or obscene.
  • You are not allowed to engage in any form of cheating, and may not engage in illegal activities or encourage other users to do so.
  • You may not use the services to bully or harass other users, launch a personal attack on other users, or negatively impact any other user’s use or enjoyment of the services.
  • You are prohibited from impersonating anyone, or misrepresenting your identity while using our service.
  • You must not delete or change any legal notices, proprietary notices, disclaimers, copyright, or trademarks found on the service.
  • You are not allowed to introduce viruses or similar threats to the service or act in a way to damage or impair our service.
  • You may not use the website and service to engage in disruptive or destructive behavior, which without limitation, may include flaming, spamming, trolling, and griefing.
  • You are not allowed to use the service in any commercial or money-making activity, which may without limitation include posting advertisements, chain letters, junks, or spams.
  • You are not allowed to gain or attempt to gain unsanctioned access to the services, as well as the computers or networks connected to the services.
  • It is forbidden for you to use bots, automation software, cheats, hacks, or other third-party software in a bid to interfere with the services; or disrupt or overburden our servers.
  • You may not engage in the modification of any software that forms part of the services, and neither may you attempt to modify or circumvent or any security features found on the website.
  • It is forbidden for you to obtain or use the private information of other users for purposes not allowed by these terms.
  • If you are discovered to violate any of the conditions of this agreement, you will be held solely and fully responsible for any legal costs arising out of the breach. As a further deterrent, we may terminate your use of the website without any prior warning if you breach any of these terms. We may also choose to bar your access to any applicable in-game purchases, which may include virtual items obtained by you through cheating.